We Provide Food

The quantity depends on the size of your household.
HAFB provides a variety of food products on a monthly basis. Depending on availability, there may be substitutions:

  • Bread: pasta, macaroni and cheese, crackers, rice, cereal, flour/mixes, bread
  • Fruit: canned fruit, 100% fruit juice
  • Vegetables: canned veggies, canned soup, tomato products
  • Dairy: powdered milk
  • Protein/Eggs: meat, eggs, peanut butter, beans
  • Fats, Oils: oil/butter/margarine
  • Fresh Produce: as available through donations

We Provide Referrals

If you do not live in our service area. We can also refer you to other social services such as hot meal programs, financial assistance programs, DSHS for medical assistance, etc.

Please refer to the following resource for assistance:

Community Resource Information Line: Dial 211